
ISO 27001 (ISOIEC 27001)

Apr 25, 2022

General Information

Currently, ISO27001 is the only internationally recognized and certifiable information security standard.
Useful for these sectors or areas:
  • Healthcare
  • Banking
  • Finance
  • Information Technology
  • Governmental agencies
They tend to use ISO27001 certified firms to be certified.
  • Reduces security risks
  • Organizes company information
  • Helps companies practice effective planning
  • Facilitates secure information exchange
  • Grants the company a competitive stance (being certified proves to external bodies that you care about information security)
  • Boots company reputation
  • Provides a stepping stone for companies to comply with other related regulations
  • Fosters a safe and confidential working environment
  • Saves time and money by effective budgeting and avoiding data breaches
  • Improve business culture


Ideal ISMS will provide security for all asset-based data of a firm, which includes:
  • direct finances
  • employee records
  • IP
  • third party details
The objectives of ISMS are CIA Triad. It can also promote company growth by providing an in-depth scheme that requires practical budgeting and may even signal the need for further recruitment.